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Negotiate Your Salary Like A Pro

23 Sep

Negotiate Your Salary Like A Pro

It’s not surprising that many people find it challenging to negotiate a salary for a job they probably know they deserve. Sometimes people settle for it as they don’t want to jeopardize losing the job opportunity.

Likewise, imagine you find the right job at the right company and are excited to take up the offer. But the salary offered is not as per your expectations. You must realize the effect of a good negotiation deal. You must abide by specific rules if you wish to master its art. On the other hand, doing an online internship with certificates will give you an upper hand while negotiating. We hope that these guidelines will assist you in the process.

Let’s give you a walk-through on negotiating your salary, getting what you deserve, and getting good jobs. 



  1. What’s your worth?

One of the essential stipend negotiation techniques is understanding your value. The most typical mistake is entering the job market without knowing their worth. Withhold from suggesting a random salary offered to figure and instead assess what your worth is. The factors that can help you evaluate your worth are:

If you are an entry-level applicant with a prior experience like an online paid internship, then prove your value in the market. 


  1. Market Research

A little research about the market trends, company background, industry standards, etc., can save you time and energy. You have become a pro like Sherlock Holmes with in-depth research before applying for an offline or online internship program. Therefore, you can use your unpaid or paid internship experience to know how to justify your salary demand, leading to successful salary negotiation. One must look at the following questions before negotiating:

  • Look at the average salary offered at the same position
  • Compare the salary other companies offer in that specific location.
  • History of previous salary trends of the company.


  1. Have strong arguments

While making a counteroffer during a salary negotiation, you should have concrete arguments to back your demand. Be ready with your previous outcomes, accomplishments, expertise, skills, and certifications to create a strong case for yourself and to support your demanded salary. Have a clear picture of the job, and explain to the hiring manager how your past experiences (online internship) and skill set can donate to the current role so you can excel.


But why is salary negotiation so critical?


It is because the salary you start with acts as a base for your market worth in the future. If you do not negotiate your current salary, you may lose an opportunity to get what you actually should in your future jobs. However, negotiating your salary fetches you a fair income for the present and future. One must realize that to get what you want, you need to ask for it. Never settle for less. Negotiate and earn high.


Want to increase your worth?


As discussed earlier, offline or online internship programs will help you learn the required skillsets and increase your worth. Likewise, ULead offers students a paid online internship program to upskill themselves while reinventing learning and transforming lives with us. Ulead is the place to be if you see yourself as a corporate leader in the future. Empower students to become industry-ready through courses and work-from-home internships.

Enroll now!!

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