Don’t Sacrifice your Kid’s Future, Download an Android Spy App
In the world of digital revolution, it is seen that most of the kids spend lot of their time on the internet. These kids are losing their creativity and seen suffering from anxiety, self-obscenity and a patient of depression at a very young age. Don’t let your kids sacrifice with their career for the modern gadgets. The Android Spy app gives you a parental control over the Digital world of your kids. Android Spy app provides you a control panel through which you can secretly monitor all the chats and calls done through various social media applications installed on your kids’ smartphones.
Teenagers wants to explore new things on from the internet word. As they don’t have the ability to distinguish between the right and wrong they end up trapped into a cobweb and its not easy for them to get out from that. Career and future are always seen to be affected when they are more into social media applications. Kids are seen to be more focussed on their looks rather than being on book just to post them on their social media to just pretend that they are cooler enough.
Virtual World every Kid’s Dilemma
There is no doubt that digital world comes up with advantages of a connected world but at the same time it comes with negative impacts like cyber-bullying, sexual harassment to young boy or girls. Teenagers are seen much addicted towards social media which is making them vulnerable for the cyber-stalkers to catch their prey easily. With all these consequences it is no point to argue that the virtual developed by cyber professionals are a dilemma for children’s future.
According to Forbes, children who are born in the period of 1995-2013 are considered to be Generation. Children who are born in this period are more indulged in technology and the internet world at very young age, so this is the reason why they are considered as Generation Z. The Kid’s of age group 14-23 are seen to be more prone to diseases like shorter attention span, substandard memories and lastly, they are seen to be disconnected from the real social skills. There are various fascinating features of social media which leads children to live in the world of fantasy. It made covers the negativities with all the fairy tale element which makes their eye glued on the internet. There are many negative effects of these social media application which is no less than a nightmare for the younger minds. Android Spy app They can be listed as:
- Deadly game addiction more dangerous than drug
The addiction of drugs can be cured through medication or may be some changes in kid’s daily routine and habits but addiction of games which let your child being busy on their phones can’t be cured easily. Games which involves tasks and bloodshed are making kids more aggressive than before.
- Stalking
As internet connects many users to each other the kids are conversing with strangers in a frequent manner. These stalkers are considered as predators for the kids as they use such manipulative phrases to gain your kid’s trust. Once your kid have a comfort level with these brutes on the internet world they meet them in real life just for their gains which can may be sexual or materialistic. As they know about your child’s daily routine or about their location they can also harass them with their physical presence and may they keep your children busy in chatting with them that they can’t concentrate on their books.
- Cyber-bullying
This activity is seen to be very common with the teenagers. The raptors of virtual world practice the same but they will harass you virtually by posting offensive comments or posts on your timeline. Or if some image has been exchanged by your kid they can use it for unethical or mean activities which can affect your child’s mental health and it may lead to a cause of depression.
- Self-Obscenity and blind dating
It’s a social trend nowadays to exchange pictures with your mates in a compromising way or having some personal photos stored in your album this can be used dangerously to bully or blackmailing any kid. The blind dating trend or uncommitted sex are going viral these days. This is one of the major curses of the internet world which can have a serious effect on your kid’s future.
Use of Parental control app to save your child from all these consequences
As discussed earlier it is very important to have an eagle eye on your kid’s virtual activities. With the help of Onemonitar app an Android Spy app you can completely monitor each and every application installed on your kid’s smart phone. A spy app for android gives you a complete access over your child’s virtual world. It comes up with various features which are listed below:
- Call logs and Call Recording: The call log and call recording feature of your Android Spy app provides you the basic and necessary details of the calls made by your child in a day. The spy android app comes up with hidden call recorder for android which will send you a link of an audio file. By downloading the file, you can listen to the calls. And call log feature will provide you the name and number of the contact with the duration and timestamp of the call.
- Social Media Application Chat tracker: The chats which are done through social media applications like WhatsApp, Hike, Line Facebook or Skype are seen by your end once you install the Android spy app. It will provide you the message which has been sent or received with the name of the person and timestamp. The spy android will show you the image file which is exchanged during the chats over these platforms.
- Photos and Surround sound Recording: From your control panel provided by Android spy app you can remotely access the MIC and the Camera of your child’s Mobile. You can remotely give the command to record or capture the image immediately if your feel something fishy in your child’s behaviour.
- Location Tracker: The location tracker feature of the Android spy app is proved to be a life saver for most of the kids. Spy app for android provides you the exact location of your kid by sending you a map link through which you can easily find the way to your child.
Apart from all these features the Onemonitar app comes with various other features of parental control which can help your child from being secured from virtual predators. You can download the app by visiting the website and can look for various subscriptions offered by them.