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online ib tutoring services

20 Dec

online ib tutoring services

IB Tutors: A good IB tutor online is essential to score 7 points. IB curriculum is a high-quality comprehensive international curriculum when it comes to understanding its pedagogy and assessment. The mission talks of creating active, compassionate, lifelong learners who respect others’ opinions and also take pride in their own identity. Therefore, before choosing the best tutors, it is cognizant to know, if they understand the IB syllabus, IB curriculum, and have they ever taught in an IB school, and have they attained any sort of IB training. Before you read further, I strongly recommend you to have a look at MY IB Journey, an honest testimonial of our previous IB student.

How to choose the best IB tutors

How to choose the best IB tutors requires a perfect orientation on the selection criteria-the best IB tutors are the ones who not only know the IB subject in length and depth but also the IB learning objectives, the IB pedagogy, the IB approaches to teaching and learning, the IB concurrency with the core, the IB learning outcomes, and the IB subject specific assessment criteria. It is altogether a different charm to get supported by the best IB tutors, who are the best in all dimensions-starting from the subject knowledge to the IB assessment and marking rubrics. It is imperative for you to learn the IB subjects in the IB way-in the sense that it is not at all about writing pages of answers through rote learning but learning with a sense of application to the real world, mapping the IB subject concepts in meeting futuristic goals. The best IB tutors are those with whom you may connect online, irrespective the geographical limits at a comfortable time zone. To get a 7 in the IB subjects, it is very important to have a right frame of peaceful mind and concentration without the other hassles of travelling to tuition classes and taking up classes at the time which is not comfortable. It is significant to enjoy the self paced approach such that you, as a student, can reflect on your strengths and areas of improvement. Instead of going with an overall IB tutoring namesake, it is very relevant for you to pick up topics which you need help in, which may increase your depth of understanding. It is equally imperative to get guided exactly on how to write answers and what to write based on the IB assessment criteria.

online ib tutoring services

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