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Save your kid’s from Digital Dementia with the Hidden spy App

01 Mar

Save your kid’s from Digital Dementia with the Hidden spy App

Digital devices have come into existence in the past few years and everyone has already started to gaze with their eyeballs on digital screens over cell phones, tablets, and even computer machines more than ever before. Young children are the most frequent users of modern time’s technological creatures and spend most of their time on smart devices such as cell phones and tablets. However, in the modern world where everything could get done via mobile phones, the responsible and productive use of these devices is declining. Hidden Spy App phone monitoring application regarding kids’ cell phone addiction has become a need in today’s world.

The adults must take care of the kids. Whether it’s the parents or anyone in the family, they must ensure that the kids in the family are kept secure from digital trouble always. Hidden Spy App phone monitoring application in regards to parental control is the most needed application in today’s world. All parents should install a child monitoring application hidden spy app on their kid’s Android smartphone and let the application do the monitoring for them.

It should always be ensured that adults must take care of young children and tweens since their brain and body is still underdeveloped. This is the reason why cognitive functions in their brain may suffer due to over usage of technology, especially in terms of digital cell phones and gadgets. Digital dementia is becoming major trouble among kids and tweens since they eat, sleep and drink having technological devices in their hands.

Reports from a recent survey

There are some reports which are recently posted on the internet which all the parents and adults need to know about to help their families secure in the long run.

  • Almost 75% of the children use digital devices in bedrooms
  • Nearly 68% of young children are when lonely and use digital devices
  • 59% of the kids own smartphone devices connected to the internet
  • More than 44% of the children have their gaming devices

There’s no denying that the use of digital devices is one of the major troubles which are rising on the internet today. Occasional screen time may be okay, however, it is to be noted that the parents themselves prefer to babysit their children with the use of digital devices only to keep their kids in peace and to keep them quiet.

However, most of the parents have reported in the survey that technology is being used to get entertainment only. Furthermore, 50% of the parents have also stated that they use technological gadgets to deal with their children’s behavior problems and traumas.

What is digital dementia?

A world-renowned neuroscientist Manfred Spritzer introduced the term Digital dementia in his book in the year 2013. The term explains how the excessive use of digital technology correlates with the breakdown of the kid’s cognitive capacity. So, whenever the kids start using their smart devices or are using any type of digital device for a long time, huge parenting blunders can take place. It is the responsibility of the parents to take care of such blunders.

When kids are young or teenagers, the risk of losing short-term memory due to the overuse of technological creatures starts taking place. This is major trouble that all parents in the coming days may need to tackle at their home due to the increasing use of smartphone devices. It is the responsibility of every parent they provide a secure and healthy environment for their kids. If their kids do not have a secure environment then it may bring disaster to their family, hence the excessive use of smart devices shall be avoided.

How to prevent kid’s from digital dementia?

The best and the most secure way in which parents can protect their kid’s in the digital age is with the help of a child monitoring application. A child monitoring application should be installed on the kid’s smartphone to track all the activities which are taking place on it. Hidden spy app phone monitoring application in such scenarios should be installed on the kid’s Android smartphone, and once the application is installed, it will track all the activities that are taking place on it and share the results on your control panel.

By using the hidden spy app phone monitoring application, parents can protect their kid’s from not only the excessive use of smart devices but also from the trouble which can come to their kid’s via the internet.

Online predators and spammers who actively try to get access to kids’ phone data will be tracked down easily and you will get the details about them on time. Once you have the information about them, you can take the action and safeguard your kids by instructing them about the right use of their smartphones.

Which hidden spy app should help?

There is numerous hidden spy app for Android and iOS which parents can download to monitor all the activities of their kids. However, when we talk specifically about Android devices, ONEMONITAR hidden spy app for Android is the best and the most effective choice which is currently available in the market.

ONEMONITAR hidden spy app is the most effective child monitoring solution which is currently available in the market. With one click, parents can download the application on their kid’s smartphone and the application will begin its operations right away. Once the application is installed, you just need to view the data and you’re ready to monitor.

Parents can subscribe to ONEMONITAR hidden spy app from the website.

Once downloaded successfully, you will have the ability to get access to the following features listed below:

  • Call Logs
  • Call Recordings
  • Applications


  • SMS Messages
  • Photos
  • Surroundings
  • Locations
  • Internet History
  • WhatsApp Chats
  • WhatsApp Calls
  • Facebook Chats
  • Hike Chats
  • IMO Chats
  • Instagram Chats
  • Wi-Fi Tracker
  • Snapchat Chats
  • Tinder Chats
  • Kik Chats
  • Line Chats
  • Skype Chats
  • Viber Chats
  • Google Emails
  • Yahoo Emails
  • Outlook Emails
  • Photo Capture
  • Screenshots
  • 100% Hidden
  • Non-deletable
  • Device Change
  • Chat Support
  • Technical support

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